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I've read and agree to the Terms of Use Welcome to the registration form for SCGvACC - Serbia and Montenegro virtual Area Control Centre. Please review the board rules specified below. Posting Rules 1. Take a good look at the rooms on this forum and pick the right one that suits your topic. There is no need that more topics/messages you write in multiple rooms. If you are not sure in which room to place your topic, place it anywhere and the Administrator will move it to a propper room. 2. Come up with a reasonable and understandable topic tittle. If you are experiencing connecting problems with ASRC for example put "ASRC won't connect" instead of just "ASRC". 3. Requesting and sharing of share addresses of any kind including P2P links, cracks, serials, or anything alike (topics like: "can someone burn for me...") with goal of acquireing illegal software copies through SCGvACC forum is strictly forbiden. 4. Use of vulgar language, insulting and similiar outage are forbiden. 5. Advertisment of your forum, web-site, company or anything else that can be taken as an obvious abuse of this forum for free advertising is forbiden. For paying your add please contact us via e-mail. 6. In case of violation of clauses 3,4 and 5 there may be a closing or erasing of a topic (or message), warning to the user, or if the infraction is grave or repeats regardless to warnings - removal of user from the forum for a determined or undetermined period of time. 7. New registration of a user that was removed from forum will result in a new removal. 8. In case of any obscurity or explication, please contact the administrator or post a topic in the room "Site Related" Other Rules 1. Avatars are permited with a maximum dimension of 150*150 pixels and maximum file size of 20kb. 2. In signature, it is permitted to use the BB code in order to place a picture which must not exceed 300px in width, 150px in height and 50kb in "weight" 3. Personal photos are permited with maximum dimensions 150*150 pixels and maximum file size of 50kb. 4. All political, religious, ideological, nazi, rasist, shauvinistic, vulgar and all other avatars, pictures and signatures that can be understood as unexamplar are forbiden. 5. In case of obscurity or explication, please contact the administrator or post a topin in the room Suggestions and propositions When registering, you are also accepting the following rules. 1. All content that is posted by you can't and will not be deleted from the board upon your possible request. We do not cater to this requests unless a valid reason has been provided. 2. SCGvACC does not cater to requests asking for deletion/suspension of forum accounts. If you do not wish to participate in the community anymore, just stop logging in. We will not delete your account.
Posting Rules 1. Take a good look at the rooms on this forum and pick the right one that suits your topic. There is no need that more topics/messages you write in multiple rooms. If you are not sure in which room to place your topic, place it anywhere and the Administrator will move it to a propper room. 2. Come up with a reasonable and understandable topic tittle. If you are experiencing connecting problems with ASRC for example put "ASRC won't connect" instead of just "ASRC". 3. Requesting and sharing of share addresses of any kind including P2P links, cracks, serials, or anything alike (topics like: "can someone burn for me...") with goal of acquireing illegal software copies through SCGvACC forum is strictly forbiden. 4. Use of vulgar language, insulting and similiar outage are forbiden. 5. Advertisment of your forum, web-site, company or anything else that can be taken as an obvious abuse of this forum for free advertising is forbiden. For paying your add please contact us via e-mail. 6. In case of violation of clauses 3,4 and 5 there may be a closing or erasing of a topic (or message), warning to the user, or if the infraction is grave or repeats regardless to warnings - removal of user from the forum for a determined or undetermined period of time. 7. New registration of a user that was removed from forum will result in a new removal. 8. In case of any obscurity or explication, please contact the administrator or post a topic in the room "Site Related" Other Rules 1. Avatars are permited with a maximum dimension of 150*150 pixels and maximum file size of 20kb. 2. In signature, it is permitted to use the BB code in order to place a picture which must not exceed 300px in width, 150px in height and 50kb in "weight" 3. Personal photos are permited with maximum dimensions 150*150 pixels and maximum file size of 50kb. 4. All political, religious, ideological, nazi, rasist, shauvinistic, vulgar and all other avatars, pictures and signatures that can be understood as unexamplar are forbiden. 5. In case of obscurity or explication, please contact the administrator or post a topin in the room Suggestions and propositions