Kako je u zadnje vreme bilo dosta pitanja vezano za brisanje naloga i poruka na forumu, SCGvACC staff team je odlucio da prosiri pravila foruma za jos dve tacke. Novi pravilnik stupa na snagu istog trenutka, a verzije pravilnika su sada
serbian v1.1.3, english v1.1.2.
Pri registraciji, svaki clan prihvata nasa pravila foruma kao i sledece dve tacke.
1. Sav sadrzaj koji clan ostavi na SCGvACC forumu, dokle god ne krsi pravilnik, nece biti obrisan zbog zahteva autora. Necemo izlaziti u susret ovakvim zahtevima bez jasnog i validnog razloga.
2. SCGvACC nece izlaziti u susret sa zahtevima za brisanje naloga. Ako vise ne zelite da ucestvujete u nasoj zajednici, prestanite da dolazite. Nalozi su trajni, i ne brisu se.
Due to recent misunderstandings in regards to forum account and post deletions, the SCGvACC team has decided to expand the rules and add to more points to it. The new rules are effective immidiately and the new forum rules versions are
serbian v1.1.3 and english v1.1.2
Please note when registering, you are agreeing to our forum rules available in the Forum Rules subforum and you are accepting the following rules:
1. All content that is posted by you can't and will not be deleted from the board upon your possible request. We do not cater to this requests unless a valid reason has been provided.
2. SCGvACC does not cater to requests asking for deletion/suspension of forum accounts. If you do not wish to participate in the community anymore, just stop logging in. We will not delete your account.